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seta river造句

  • The Seta River flows from Lake Biwa to Osaka Bay through Kyoto.
  • The Yodo River, usually called the Seta River in Shiga Prefecture, begins at the southern outlet of the lake in Kizu River in Kyoto Prefecture.
  • The practice of damming natural lakes for flood prevention and water usage is performed nationwide, with some of the more prominent examples being Lake Biwa, the Seta River Wash Weir, Lake Kasumigaura and the Hitachi River floodgate, which are all under direct control of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and others like Lake Chkzenji / Chkzenji Dam in Tochigi Prefecture and Yogo Lake / Yogo Dam in Shiga Prefecture, which are controlled at the prefectural level.
  • It's difficult to see seta river in a sentence. 用seta river造句挺难的
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